Sistema PACS-CNR, una propuesta tecnológica


  • Josefina Gutiérrez Martínez
  • Alfonso Martínez Martínez
  • Marco Antonio Núñez Gaona
  • Baltasar Reyes Marín
  • Ruth Evelyn Delgado Esquerra
  • José Enrique Muñoz de Cote Flores
  • Norberto Chávez Avelar



The Centro Nacional de Rehabilitación, in Mexico City, decided to rely on digital imaging technology, specifically PACS, to capture, transmit, record, display, store and archive all diagnostic images captured by the division of radiology. The CNR’s physical facility and films amount raised some serious logistical problems for the management of diagnostic images. This paper presents the analysis carried out about the advantages of installing a PACS in this Center. The PACS will be installed primarily to improve patient throughput, care, and productivity by making diagnostic images and related clinical information more readily available to clinicians and radiologists, to reduce storage needs, and to reduce the incidence of lost or misplaced film. The division of radiology will improve its image and information access with a network distribution and digital archiving management, together with the improved radiologist and technician efficiencies. In addition, we propose to design, develop and implement the PACSCNR system, to reduce the dependence of the state-of-the art digital technology and operating-maintenance costs.


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Author Biography

Josefina Gutiérrez Martínez

Tel. 59991000 Ext. 16157 Fax. 59991000 Ext. 16160



How to Cite

Gutiérrez Martínez, J., Martínez Martínez, A., Núñez Gaona, M. A., Reyes Marín, B., Delgado Esquerra, R. E., Muñoz de Cote Flores, J. E., & Chávez Avelar, N. (2003). Sistema PACS-CNR, una propuesta tecnológica. Revista Mexicana De Ingenieria Biomedica, 24(1), 77–85. Retrieved from



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